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Protect Your Business with a Denied Parties Screening

Taken at the point of brokerage entry or shipment export request, a Denied Parties Screening is one of the best ways to ensure that you are working with reputable - and legal - collaborators. 

Denied Parties Screenings

  • A Denied Parties Screening checks anyone you are doing business with against the Denied/Restricted Party Lists maintained by Customs.
  • These lists are regularly updated, often daily, and include every organization and business with which it is, in many cases, entirely illegal to do business.
  • To curtail potential legal consequences, it is imperative you avoid doing business with members of this list.
  • The screening process offered by PCB is quick, affordable, and thorough.
  • To best protect yourself, every business or entity you work or plan to work with in your supply chain should be professionally screened.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s involved in this process?

At the point of brokerage entry or shipment export request, we can perform a screening on the party you are dealing with. This screening queries that party against the official lists, and you can rest easy knowing that you are avoiding any legal issues in the future.

Do I need to get everyone screened?

In general, yes. Any entity you are ‘doing business with’ can benefit from a screening. ‘Not knowing’ that they were on the Denied Parties List is not an excuse that will take your business very far should an issue arise. It is better to be screened than sorry.